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Dr. C.R. (Cristobal) Bonelli

Associate Professor, Principal Investigator ERC Starting Grant "Worlds of Lithium"
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body
Area of expertise: Sustainability, Lithium and Energy Transitions, Mental Health and Interculturality, Interdisciplinary Experimentation, Memory and Materiality

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
Contact details
Social media
  • Profile

    I am a Clinical Psychologist and Cultural and Medical Anthropologist. I currently hold the position of Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam, where I coordinate research on sustainability, territorial transformations, and ecological transitions.

    My interdisciplinary work combines clinical psychology, social anthropology, and science and technology studies (STS) to explore how geopolitical tensions, climate crises, and social and material dynamics transform people's ways of living and thinking. With a particular focus on mental health, human relations, and their modes of interaction with technology, my research reflects on how these interactions reconfigure both our connections to the world and the possibilities of imagining non-violent, non-destructive presents and more habitable futures.

    My academic training began in Chile, where I obtained a degree in Clinical Psychology at Pontificia Universidad Católica (1999). I later specialized in Systemic Family Therapy in Italy (Milan School, 2006), where I also directed and coordinated experimental projects in public mental health and street psychiatry in collaboration with the WHO between 2002 and 2007. In 2012, I completed a PhD in Social and Medical Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, where I investigated intercultural communication in public health services in southern Chile.

    Between 2012 and 2016, I undertook a postdoctoral fellowship in Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Annemarie Mol, exploring how food practices shape bodies, relations, and environments (more information here). From 2017 to 2019, I was a Marie Curie Global Fellow, leading the Invisible Waters project at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, which collaborates with UNESCO. This project analyzed practices for making aquifers visible in the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world (more information here).

    I have led international projects such as the ERC Worlds of Lithium, which investigates the social and material impacts of lithium extraction in Chile, lithium battery production and the use of electric vehicles in China, and battery recycling in Norway (official website). 

    My work seeks to build bridges between divergent knowledges and practices of natural science, environmental activism and concerned publics currently emerging around the planet, crafting sustainable and equitable alternatives to address contemporary challenges. 

  • Research

    Currently, I lead the ERC project titled Worlds of Lithium (WOL), which investigates the societal impacts of lithium extraction and lithium-ion batteries in global energy transition efforts. Through empirical studies in Chile, China, and Norway, my research sheds light on our interdependence and co-constitution with these materials and technologies, exploring their transformative implications within the complexities of modern life in times of climate change.

    Worlds of Lithium builds upon my previous research, Invisible Waters, supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie EU programme. This project focused on groundwater practices in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, the driest desert in the world, highlighting the urgency of ecologically studying and rethinking what decarbonisation strategies entail.

  • Teaching

    Postgraduate level

    • The Politics of Sustainability: Environments, Cultures, Materials /  Multispecies ecologies and Planetary Matter

    Undergraduate level

    • Environments, Alterities and the Anthropological Imagination / Practicing Etnography / Ethnographies and academic writing

    I am also Supervisor at the Master on Cultural and Social Anthropology, at the  Research Master's in Social Sciences, at the  Master in International Development Studies and at the Master in Medical Anthropology and Sociology

  • Publications


    • Bonelli, C. R., & Gamba, M. (2024). Underground Roots for Ancestral Futures: Exploring Lithium Through an Experimental Alliance between Chemistry and Anthropology. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 1-27. Advance online publication.
    • Bonelli, C., Galaz-Mandakovic, D., Weinberg, M., Figueroa, V., & Hecht, G. (2024). Cenizas del Antropoceno: omisiones de carbón y estratigrafía tóxica en Tocopilla (Chile). Revista Colombiana de Antropologia , 60(3), Article e2710. [details]



    • Bonelli, C. (2022). On People, Sensorial Perception, and Potential Affinity in Southern Chile. In M. González Gálvez, P. Di Giminiani, & G. Bacchiddu (Eds.), Theorizing Relations in Indigenous South America (pp. 68-82). (Studies in Social Analysis; Vol. 13). Berghahn., [details]
    • Tironi, M., Campos-Knothe, K., Acuña, V., Isola, E., Bonelli, C., Gonzalez Galvez, M., Kelly, S., Juzam, L., Molina, F., Pereira Covarrubias, A., Rivas, R., Undurraga, B., & Valdivieso, S. (2022). Interruptions: imagining an analytical otherwise for disaster studies in Latin America. Disaster Prevention and Management, 31(3), 243-259. [details]



    • Bonelli, C., & Poirot, L. (2020). Secretos de luz: apuntes para una antropología expuesta. Antípoda : Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 41(1), 175-201. [details]
    • Weinberg, M., González Gálvez, M., & Bonelli, C. (2020). Políticas de la evidencia: entre posverdad, objetividad y etnografía. Antípoda : Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 41(1), 3-27. [details]
    • Weinberg, M., González Gálvez, M., & Bonelli, C. R. (Eds.) (2020). Políticas de la evidencia: Etnografía entre mundos unívocos y mundos múltiples. Antípoda : Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 41.






    • Bonelli Iglesias, C. (2015). Trastornos ontológicos: pesadillas, fármacos psicotrópicos y espíritus malignos en el Sur de Chile. In P. Di Giminiani, S. González Varela, M. Murray, & H. Risør (Eds.), Tecnologías en los márgenes: antropología, mundos materiales y téchnicas en América Latina (pp. 233-256). (Colección Heterotopías; No. 4). Bonilla Artigas. [details]
    • Bonelli, C. (2015). Eating one's worlds: on foods, metabolic writing and ethnographic humor. Subjectivity, 8(3), 181-200. [details]
    • Bonelli, C. (2015). To see that which cannot be seen: ontological differences and public health policies in Southern Chile. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 21(4), 872-891. [details]







    • Bonelli, C. R. (2008). I frattali e le identità plurali. Rivista Italiana no profit. Communitas.


    • Bonelli, C. R. (2006). Per una epistemologia del mistero. Rivista Italiana no profit. Communitas.
    • Bonelli, C. R., & Notarbartolo, C. (2006). L’epistemologia enattiva come pratica etico-politica, Rivista di Consulenza e ricerca sui sistemi umani. Connessioni, 17.


    • Bonelli, C. R. (2004). I Timbri conflittuali dell’identità: Riflessioni sull’ethnoscape in camminata. Animazione Sociale, 8/9.

    Talk / presentation


    • Bonelli, C. (participant) (4-8-2023). GT 48: Spoilage, extraction and destruction in Latin America: bodies, subjectivities and experiences in everyday life. Reflections on extractive processes, looting and destruction often pay attention to how, through the claim of rights, local populations and social (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
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