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Dr. C.A. (Carla) Ferreira Rodrigues

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Political Sociology: Power, Place and Difference

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Publications




    • Raposo, H., & Rodrigues, C. (2021). Imperativos e investimentos de performance em contextos juvenis: percepções e formas de gestão do risco e da eficácia. In M. Barbosa, & C. Pussetti (Eds.), Super Humanos: Desafios e Limites da intervenção no cérebro Colibri.
    • Rodrigues, C. F. (2021). Communicative trust in therapeutic encounters: users’ experiences in public healthcare facilities and community pharmacies in Maputo, Mozambique. Social Science and Medicine, 291, Article 114512.
    • Rodrigues, C., Raposo, H., Pegado, E., & Fernandes, A. I. (2021). Coffee in the workplace: A social break or a performance enhancer? In H. Barroso, & C. Castro (Eds.), The 5th International Congress of CiiEM: Reducing inequalities in Health and Society Article 44 (Medical Sciences Forum; Vol. 5). MDPI.


    • Rodrigues, C. F. (2020). Entre o risco e a (in)certeza: o papel da confiança nas práticas e relações sociais com os medicamentos na cidade de Maputo, Moçambique. In J. Fröhlich Zapata, C. García, & O. Romaní (Eds.), Medicamentos, Cultura y Sociedad (pp. 129-150). (Antropologia Mèdica). Publicacions de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
    • Rodrigues, C. F. (2020). Self-medication with antibiotics in Maputo, Mozambique: practices, rationales and relationships. Palgrave Communications, 6, Article 6. [details]
    • Vedadhir, A., Rodrigues, C. A., & Lambert, H. (2020). Social science research contributions to antimicrobial resistance: protocol for a scoping review. Systematic Reviews.



    • Dias, P. C., de Almeida Alves, N., Abrantes, P., & Rodrigues, C. F. (2016). Utilização da plataforma Moodle em Portugal: Moodle nas escolas do ensino básico e secundário em Portugal. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, (81), 115-140. Article 81.
    • Rodrigues, C. F. (2016). Medicines and therapeutic pluralism in Maputo: Exploring modalities of trust and the (un)certainties of everyday users. Health, Risk & Society, 18(7-8), 385-406. [details]



    • de Almeida Alves, N., & Rodrigues, C. F. (2014). As Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação na Escola: causas de uma subutilização. Sociologia On Line, 2014(7), 121-139. [details]
    • de Almeida Alves, N., & Rodrigues, C. F. (2014). ICT in Education: Is There an Emergence of Contrasting Learning Cultures between Students and Teachers? In A. Maj (Ed.), Post-privacy culture: gaining social power in cyber-democracy (pp. 203-221). Inter-Disciplinary Press. [details]




    • Pegado, E. (Author), Raposo, H. (Author), Lopes, N. (Author), Clamote, T. (Author), & Rodrigues, C. (Author). (2014). Gestão da performance e culturas de risco nos contextos juvenis. Web publication or website, Observatório Permanente da Juventude. [details]


    • Ferreira Rodrigues, C. A., de Almeida Alves, N., Coelho Dias, P., & Abrantes, P. (2012). Learning and teaching with ICT in secondary schools: the Portuguese context. In VI International Technology, Education and Development Conference Published on CD-ROM.



    • Ferreira Rodrigues, C. A. (2009). Lay Knowledge about Malaria in Mozambique. In 9th Conference of European Sociological Association Published on CD-ROM.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Ferreira Rodrigues, C. A. (2013-2016). Research fellow at the Health and Society Research Group, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Moçambique, Maputo, Moçambique.


    • Rodrigues, C. (2022). Trusting medicines: The social embeddedness of everyday medicine use in Maputo, Mozambique. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
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